The IVRCALLBACKPROC data type is used by the telephony API to define a delegate that is registered with the telephony engine. This callback procedure is specified when application software calls the OpenRxIvrChannel(VoipMediaEngine, Int32, VoipMediaEngine..::.IVRCALLBACKPROC, Object, Boolean, VoipMediaEngine..::.AUDIO_BANDWIDTH, Int32%, Int32%, Boolean%) API procedure. This callback procedure is responsible for passing received phone line audio back to the user's application.

Namespace:  LanScape
Assembly:  LMEVoipManaged (in LMEVoipManaged.dll) Version: 6.0.5226.26700


public delegate void IVRCALLBACKPROC(
	VoipMediaEngine..::.IVR_RECOGNITION_DATA IvrRecognitionData
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Delegate Sub IVRCALLBACKPROC ( _
	IvrRecognitionData As VoipMediaEngine..::.IVR_RECOGNITION_DATA _
Visual C++
public delegate void IVRCALLBACKPROC(
	VoipMediaEngine..::.IVR_RECOGNITION_DATA^ IvrRecognitionData
/** @delegate */
public delegate void IVRCALLBACKPROC(
	VoipMediaEngine..::.IVR_RECOGNITION_DATA IvrRecognitionData


Type: LanScape..::.VoipMediaEngine..::.IVR_RECOGNITION_DATA
A reference to the callback data class IVR_RECOGNITION_DATA. The elements of this class allow application software to gain access at received phone line sampled audio data.

See Also