Specifies that the application software wants to log all SIP message transactions. To enable SIP message logging, set this member to TRUE. If SIP message logging is enabled, member SipLogFileName must also be specified. A SIP message log file will be created when the telephony engine is instantiated. The SIP message log will be closed when the telephony engine terminates. If a previous SIP message log file exists from a previous logging session, it will be overwritten. SIP logging capability is used for debug purposes. Normally, applications should not be logging SIP transactions unless you are debugging session connectivity problems. All SIP messages that are received or transmitted will be logged. If you want to generate SIP log files for specific phone lines, see the LogPhoneLineSipMessages(Int32, Boolean, String) API procedure.

As an alternative to static log file generation, consider using the LanScape supplied SIP log server utility (SipLogD.exe) and call the SetSipLogServer(Boolean, String, Int32) API procedure in your application source code. If you use the SIP log server utility, you will not have to continually restart your application to view SIP message logs.

Namespace:  LanScape
Assembly:  LMEVoipManaged (in LMEVoipManaged.dll) Version: 6.0.5226.26700


public bool LogSipMessages
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public LogSipMessages As Boolean
Visual C++
bool LogSipMessages
public boolean LogSipMessages

See Also