The RTP_CALLBACK_PROC data type is used by the telephony API to define a callback procedure that is used by the Media Engine's raw RTP access functionality. This callback procedure is specified when application software calls the EnableRawRtpPacketAccess(VoipMediaEngine, Int32, Boolean, VoipMediaEngine..::.RTP_CALLBACK_PROC, Object) API procedure. This callback procedure is responsible for passing RTP media packet information to and from the user's application. If your application registers the same callback procedure for all phone lines, make sure you follow proper multi-threaded programming practices. The callback procedure will be called by a different thread context for each phone line.
Important Note: This callback procedure will be executed by "time critical" code within the media engine. If you are using this functionality to perform RTP media stream encryption, make sure you perform your encryption encoding and decoding as fast as possible. Generally speaking, the media engine uses a 20Ms sample block time for all media related data (iLBC can also use 30Ms sample blocks). If you do not execute efficient code in this callback procedure, you may effect the "real time" behavior of the media engine.

If your encryption process takes time to execute, you also may want to register individual callback procedures for each phone line. This is in lieu of using a single callback procedure for all phone lines.

Namespace:  LanScape
Assembly:  LMEVoipManaged (in LMEVoipManaged.dll) Version: 6.0.5226.26700


public delegate void RTP_CALLBACK_PROC(
	VoipMediaEngine..::.RAW_RTP_DATA RawRtpData
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Delegate Sub RTP_CALLBACK_PROC ( _
	RawRtpData As VoipMediaEngine..::.RAW_RTP_DATA _
Visual C++
public delegate void RTP_CALLBACK_PROC(
	VoipMediaEngine..::.RAW_RTP_DATA^ RawRtpData
/** @delegate */
public delegate void RTP_CALLBACK_PROC(
	VoipMediaEngine..::.RAW_RTP_DATA RawRtpData


Type: LanScape..::.VoipMediaEngine..::.RAW_RTP_DATA
A reference to the callback data class RAW_RTP_DATA. The elements of this class will allow an application to access and optionally modify the contents of media engine received and "ready-to-be" transmitted RTP media packets.

See Also