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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: May 26 2007 at 8:30am | IP Logged
From: LanScape Support
To: All LanScape customers
We recently received these email questions from a new customer. We wanted to post them here so that others may benefit from the information.
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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: May 26 2007 at 8:31am | IP Logged
May I ask? if I would like to order LanScape SIP Centrex ProxyR Server - Professional Edition, then how much I need to pay ? and how much to pay
for licensing to use it?
I really don't understand about them. I mean, Software and License are in one package ( one price) or I need to pay separetly (software and license)?
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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: May 26 2007 at 8:32am | IP Logged
Hi Rich,
Thanks for sending us your question.
The prices for all the LanScape products are displayed in the on-line web store.
If you want to purchase the following product:
LanScape SIP Centrex ProxyR Server - Professional Edition d=2
That would be $129.95 US dollars.
When you make a purchase at the web store, you must also submit with your order a license request to run the software on a host machine. The proxy server can then only be used on the host machine you have a license for.
If there is something confusing about the web site or the store, let us know. We will change it in a flash to make it more understandable.
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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: May 26 2007 at 8:33am | IP Logged
I still have 3 questions, I would like to ask you before I order this product:
First, Can "Lanscape Sip Centrex ProxyR Server" create "Sip Server" to use "Softphone" to call any PSTN phone in USA and Canada?
Second, is it support for "web call"? if not, do you have any product to make "call from website"?
Last, the license for only 1 year? or each product has 1 license to use forever?
Please reply to me as soon as you can. Thank you very much!
Rich Giang
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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: May 26 2007 at 8:36am | IP Logged
<<< You
First, Can "Lanscape Sip Centrex ProxyR Server" create "Sip Server" to use "Softphone" to call any PSTN phone in USA and Canada?
Support >>>
Yes, but you will have to either use your own small PSTN gateway or a PSTN gateway service provider.
If you want to use your own small private gateway, a small nice unit is this one from Linksys/Sipura:
<<< You
Second, is it support for "web call"? if not, do you have any product to make "call from website"?
Support >>>
The LanScape Centrex SIP proxy is a server. It can accept VOIP calls from a web site. If you want the capability to call from a web site, we have an ActiveX control we developed. It uses our VOIP Media Engine product as the core technology. We use this ActiveX object on our own web site so users can call us from anywhere. If you are interested in this product, please contact us for more information.
We are in the process of offering a new product especially addressing the needs of VOIP web developers. This new product will come with a simple pre-canned asp based web site (jscript or vbscript based) that has full VOIP capability. The canned web site will use a VOIP Media Engine based ActiveX object that can be embedded into web pages. The ActiveX control will allow web surfers to initiate and receive SIP/RTP VOIP calls while they are in their browser.
<<< You
Last, the license for only 1 year? or each product has 1 license to use forever?
Support >>>
If you purchase a license to use the product, you can use it forever. You may however in the future want to upgrade to a new version as they are made available.
Thanks for all of your good questions. Repost as necessary.
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